I want to give a shout out to The Cunninghams and Lisa Cunningham.
They're continuing on with a new church they just began in the Bronx.
It's called NEW DAY CHURCH and it's principles are threefold: connecting with god/spirit, crossing boundaries (of race, class, sexual orientation, age), and confronting injustice (in the community and beyond).
These folks are amazing. And they hosted me on one of The PCF trips to NYC.
And Lisa is one of my besties from Wesleyan.
If you have a chance stop by their monthly service.
This Sunday they're showing some recent footage from the PCF's travels.
And they are just all around great! So YES!
hey fam...
another invite! we're having our second monthly worship service this sunday.
connecting with god ~ crossing boundaries ~ confronting injustice
the theme for this week's service is "Big Dreams"
we're starting it off with some People Could Fly footage (www.thepeoplecouldfly.blogspot.com)
of young people talking about their dreams
i'll be doing some poetry that has yet to emerge
pastor Cunningham will be preaching on what it means to dream big...
you are invited ~
Sunday, November 16
11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Bronx Science High School (downstairs cafeteria -- space will be marked off my some colorful rugs i believe)
75 W. 205th Street
2 blocks west of Jerome
and feel free to forward to anyone else you think may be interested!
and check Will.i.am's new song, we're thinking of making it one of our theme songs:
and here's another mantra: http://www.imeem.com/hiphopmusic2/music/gcDrGOOX/knaan_in_the_beginning/
wait for the part where k'naan starts going "it's better to light a candle than to curse the dark" ... that's the best part.
hope you all are happy and healthy and sane ;0)
love (andonandonandon),
sounds like a nice church and people.