Sunday, May 11, 2008

what's in a name game

So I'm looking for a name.
How do you be right or good. It's soo late. And I wanna get this done.
Excuse my late nightness. I don't know how legible this will be in the ,morning.

I'm looking for a name that will be quick succinct and easy rollable off the tongue and easily remembered and not so easily forgotten

that has meaning and depth and feeeling and importance without being too simple or uninspiring or too corny or too sappy or simply overused such as a trope, so that it has almost no meaning
am i looking for a name that is a metaphor or an action
a noun or a verb

i am looking for a name that is an umbrella and also a brick one can build things with

i'm also looking for something easily lifted and also easily understood even if it happens to make no categorical sense

yet it also needs to be able to span the globe

it needs to be 'cool' but not at the risk of being cold or too flashy or empty

it must be composed of people which is real simple and complicated

it has to have lasting qualities the ability to be classic and new

fresh shiny and spanking

yet also contain the old stories.. there is such a thing.. if you can find the balance of wor/l/ds

old and new dreams
old and new people
new and old flights

such as that would be a sparking thinking a meeting between two such worlds that might really be one

like the meeting between yesterday and today.. if there is such a thing

that jump point when what is ain't
and what will be isn't but will be
maybe it is a thunderclap

ahhhh. i've been all throughout the thesaurus
because its to settle down
and make some unreal things real
somethings want to be born most certainly

like it won't phase out cant phase out still here

still subject

i'm dealing with words

naming what needs to be named and coming up with ways to say what doesn't have words yet but still is if you believe it is, naturally


1 comment:

  1. i can understand the drama. ahh....words......

    whats your list so far?
